Achtung: Am Freitag, den 21.02. von 12:00 Uhr, bis voraussichtlich 14:00 Uhr, steht Arcinsys aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten nicht zur Verfügung!

Simple search

? Enter one or more search words (at least 2 characters). Existing terms are suggested and the approximate number of records is displayed. Search words can be truncated by using * at the end (searching for fran* will find "Frankfurt" and "France").
Use alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers). The entry is not case-sensitive. "Ä","ö", "ü" and "ß" are equivalent to "ae", "oe", "ue" and "ss".
Entering several search words will return only records containing all requested search words (AND operator). Use OR between the search words to retrieve records containing either of the words (OR operator). Use NOT before a search word to exclude it from your search.
Several words or terms enclosed in double quotes will prompt a search for the exact phrase. The terms will appear in exactly the same order as typed in (e.g. "Emser Depesche").

Please enter at least 2 characters.

? You can limit your search to the time of entry and creation of an archival item (the so-called "life span"). All time periods will be considered if no specific time period is entered.
You will also find hits that only partly overlap with the specified period. The result list will consider lead and lag times for archival items, which are not covered by the information "life span".
Search from a specific year onwards by entering that year into the field "Time period from". Search up to a specific year by entering that year only into the field "to".
Limit the search to only one single year by entering the same year in both fields (e.g. 1970 to 1970).

? Select the search area (archives, fonds, classes):
Selection in tree: This prompts a search only in the highlighted section of the navigation tree (left) with all subordinate elements. If you made no selection in the navigation tree, the search will be conducted in the entire archival information system. If you want to make a different selection in the navigation tree, go to the required point in the tree and select it. Then open the search menu again.
All archives: This selection (default) prompts a search in all archives and fonds in the archival information system.